The H1N1 virus is a new strand of the influenza virus. It started in México and has now made it to Canada with a total of 116 people that have contracted the virus in Canada. More commonly known as the Swine Flu, originated in Mexico and has spread all across the world. Over 1,000 people have been confirmed that they have the virus and 26 people have died from it. WHO (World Health Organisation) Has increased the pandemic alert to a 5 which means that a pandemic is inevitable and there is talk og it being raised to a level 6. There has been some drastic movements during the phase of this flu, including that Egypt ordered that all the pigs in it's country be slaughtered immediately. The swine flu isn't stopping anytime soon, the number of cases will continue to rise.
The swine flu to me was a bit over rated at first, I understand that over 1000 people in the world have it, but this is in a world with almost 7 billion people, that’s only 0.00000014% of the entire population, which isn't very much. I think that it is true to be said that this virus will start to spread very rapidly and I hope that I don't get it. Our school is taking precautions by putting a bottle of hand sanitizer and a sign that says: "please wash your hands upon entering and exiting the building". After doing this short blog I know more about this strand of influenza and that it is quite a serious matter and that more people will start dying. The fact that I didn't mention above is that it will take 6 months before a vaccine will be devolved since the virus has been identified, so I don’t think that there is a prevention but there are ways to get better, but if you have it your are immediately hospitalized and will eventually get better.
The Swine Flu is absolutely incredible.It is a combination of a few flu's and it is causing people to flee. I just talked to a Mexican friend and he said he hasn't been in school for two weeks because of it.I think that it wont affect us very much in Canada because we are taking serious precautions. I'm glad that you learned alot about the Swine Flu through doing this blog. It wont be the last serious outbreak of a virus in our lifetime.