Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hospital wait times

Hospital wait times in Toronto are some of the longest in Ontario, reaching up to 32 hrs. At Toronto East General Hospital, there is one person coming into the hospital every eight minutes. Wait times are great because most of these Problems are minor and can be fixed easily by their family health care provider or a Walk in clinic. This isn't the only problem but the rehab centers that the doctors need so that the patients can get out of the hospital and get some specialized care. One man was emitted to hospital and had to wait for a month to be emitted to a rehab center, this one hospital bed could have been used over and over during that time.

So the obvious thing that I think that everybody will agree on is that the hospital wait times are way too long. This is caused by a few things which I think need a solution. A person comes into a hospital every eight minutes, this is unbelievable. Most of these people are suffering nothing more that a cold or something that it treatable at a walk in clinic. even thought we do have one of the better health care systems a 32 hr wait is simply not right. I think that we should start to use some of the computer systems that our society has to offer, so that we would be able to check the wait times online. I think that some of these things could drastically improve out health care system.


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