Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A kick start to Afghanistan

Prime minister Harper says that his version of victory is to push back all the Taliban until the point that NATO can take over the crisis. He said at a news conference on Friday that the situation should be in the hands of Afghanistan's themselves. This message even made it to the major CNN station in the states. The other parties didn't like this and basically said that they wanted to do the opposite. The article goes on to say what has happened in the past years in Afghanistan; Harper said in 2006 that the war would be extended until 2011 two years more that the original date, and that over 2000 soldiers are in Afghanistan and 111 of them have died since this date.

This whole war isn't a good thing, war is never a good thing. When Canada decided to get involved in this situation I though that it was a bad idea, and why should we fight a war that isn't ours. Since then I have understood that we have a relationship with the us, it is an unwritten code. I think that Harper has the what but not the how. Recently I have noticed that for a lot of politicians and other people that are high up there. They will say what they are going to do but never mention anything about the important part of how it is going to be implemented and the what happens if, they are never truly honest which is why In my opinion that the only time that I get into politics is when there is an election, because most of the time it is just a bunch of babbling kindergartens.



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